the connective tissue of humanity: RIVERS




America was built around sea ports. It just made sense for trade, immigration, and access to the world. As our ancestors explored inward on the continent they followed Rivers. What makes this series great....

This is a series about very different cultures in America connected by a need for survival.
— The New York Times

Donec sollicitudin odio at tincidunt egestas. Pellentesque erat eros, facilisis at rhoncus ac, mollis vitae elit. Aenean lobortis, risus ut sodales rhoncus, nulla dolor porta enim, vel venenatis augue massa ac eros. Ut a aliquam erat. Nam sollicitudin facilisis quam vel mollis. Etiam a rhoncus nisl. Sed at vulputate tortor. Curabitur nulla nibh, mattis a faucibus in, volutpat ac orci. In varius condimentum lacinia. Mauris sit amet venenatis libero, porttitor gravida libero. Vestibulum semper sapien vitae rutrum ultricies.


two locations. one river.

St. Louis, Missouri .


two perspectives on the issue. one urban & one rural.

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero. Mauris id fermentum nulla. Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper. Nullam sit amet nisi condimentum erat iaculis auctor.

Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero. Vivamus a ante congue, porta nunc nec, hendrerit turpis. Mauris id fermentum nulla. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Sed a ligula quis sapien lacinia egestas. Sed a ligula quis sapien lacinia egestas. Vivamus sit amet semper lacus, in mollis libero.


Enviromental Impact


America was built around sea ports. It just made sense for trade, immigration, and access to the world. As our ancestors explored inward on the continent they followed Rivers. What makes this series great....

This is a series about very different cultures in America connected by a need for survival.
— The New York Times

Donec sollicitudin odio at tincidunt egestas. Pellentesque erat eros, facilisis at rhoncus ac, mollis vitae elit. Aenean lobortis, risus ut sodales rhoncus, nulla dolor porta enim, vel venenatis augue massa ac eros. Ut a aliquam erat. Nam sollicitudin facilisis quam vel mollis. Etiam a rhoncus nisl. Sed at vulputate tortor. Curabitur nulla nibh, mattis a faucibus in, volutpat ac orci. In varius condimentum lacinia. Mauris sit amet venenatis libero, porttitor gravida libero. Vestibulum semper sapien vitae rutrum ultricies.


Five of America's most endangered rivers. Two stories per with one big message....








The Buffalo


The name itself says so much about the spirt of those who traverse it’s current- River Rats, Lewis n’ Clark, Huckleberry n’ Tom, it’s a familiar story not told cinematically much these days.  Breakfast and a cool river bath in the early morning, fishing for dinner in the shade during the high sun, traditional Ozark canoe travel during the golden hour, campfires and fish tacos at night. The connection to the water, the way it feels to remove your figurative sandbags, and let the current take you. 



The Environmental Impact:

People have this idea of ‘what a farm is’. What we’re dealing with here is not a red barn and a straw hat… We are not dealing with a farm, we are dealing with a factory and it’s destroying the nations first national river. The Hog Farm is not an american company. So we have a case where an international company acting irresponsibly with the number one revenue source of the third poorest county in Arkansas 

The Threat:

1. The factory farm trucks in thousands of tons of concentrated, grain based, swine feed.

2. The 6500 hogs, who never go outside, eat the feed and produce millions of gallons of waste that is high in nitrates and phosphorous and E coli.

3. The waste stays in the watershed and eventually reaches ground water and the river.

4. The nitrates and phosphorous in the river stimulate abnormally large and wide spread algae blooms that clog the river

5. The algae dies, rots and in the process uses up much of the oxygen in the river water.

6. The low oxygen levels cause die offs of fish and other aquatic animals and could permanently damage the river.

7. The E coli bacteria present a potential health hazard to anyone using the river.


The Mississippi


Describe a relationship event here. Cras sit amet venenatis lacus. Nullam ac tempor sem. Donec vitae vulputate arcu. Sed faucibus, metus efficitur mollis rhoncus, sapien quam ornare enim, et venenatis leo ante sed lorem. Etiam ac dui nec sem auctor eleifend in vel lacus. Donec tempus ligula non ex mattis, id tincidunt neque suscipit.

Integer ornare condimentum lacus, id dapibus lorem. Mauris fringilla arcu facilisis venenatis lobortis. Aliquet ac magna sed, dignissim ultricies libero.
— Mauris Volutpat

"Song Title" - Artist (2007)


Describe a relationship event here.Phasellus nisi lectus, commodo non maximus eget, porta at massa. Cras a risus consectetur, facilisis arcu sed, luctus ex. Vivamus sed dolor tempor, sodales lorem vel, malesuada tortor. Curabitur luctus nisi vitae diam aliquam feugiat. Aliquam maximus eu quam ut convallis. Etiam semper elit in mauris pharetra, vitae eleifend nisi lacinia. Sed vel elit eget nulla pulvinar venenatis. Integer leo velit, auctor eget congue ut, sollicitudin.


The Lower Colorado


The Lower Rio Grande

Donec id justo non metus auctor commodo ut quis enim. Mauris fringilla dolor vel condimentum imperdiet.
— Jonathan L.

The Rivers of Bristol Bay


Big Sun flower River


Describe your current relationship here. Donec commodo, ipsum non condimentum tincidunt, augue arcu viverra dolor, tincidunt nunc tellus eu massa. Vivamus et ultricies felis. Integer feugiat porttitor velit vitae venenatis. Nulla mi lacus, iaculis non risus quis, consequat tristique turpis. Duis suscipit malesuada est, vel elementum erat facilisis nec. Integer dapibus pharetra tortor ac pulvinar. Maecenas iaculis orci ac velit lorem fermentum. Duis congue ante lacus, eu elementum mi posuere sit amet.


Describe your event here. Integer vitae massa auctor, convallis massa porta, ornare est. Sed ac maximus ex. In turpis felis, suscipit sit amet dui non, ultrices ultrices nulla. Maecenas efficitur purus quis velit faucibus, sit amet convallis augue ullamcorper. Aenean ut ante mattis, tempor lacus at. Sed eu sapien non erat scelerisque tincidunt vel vel nisl. Duis et mauris velit. Cras eget dictum purus. Vestibulum nunc mi, elementum ac sodales nec, scelerisque sed nulla. Vivamus eleifend maximus nibh quis placerat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Suspendisse sed dolor consectetur, tincidunt neque at, imperdiet ante.
