Camp Zoe Day 01 07.12.20 Frame Grab


TRANSCRIPTON AUDIO: [Ryan Ligget] [Steve O’neal]

DAY 01


  1. Ryan Ligget - Saddle maker in Shannon County. He represents the local population around Camp Zoe Personification of cowboy culture. Politically conservative, but supported the hippies ‘minding their own business’.

  2. Steve O’neal - Hippy who attended all the Shwag Stocks and friend with Jimmy Tebeau. Owned an adjacent lot next to Camp Zoe where he operated a year round commune.


  1. C&L Saddles. Deductive Establishing.

  2. Martin’s Country Cafe. Inductive Establishing.


We shot verite in both locations. Ryan sells a saddle for $800. We have anecdotal scene work for establishment at C&L. Beautiful images. We need to mitigate the handheld shakiness, but very usable stuff.

With Steve we shot at Martins Cafe. We need more verite for him. I think we have him show us around echo bluffs.